When possible I’ll breakdown each step by its function to help explain the process, as we gain knowledge, I’ll start to condense the code and speed things up.
In this example we’ll work our way to show how to create our own function and use it in one of the apply functions.
head(flags) dim(flags)
[1] 194 30
viewinfo() #gives us a file of more details and information class(flags) [1] "data.frame" # _________but we want to know the class of each column, we can use a loop or we can use lapply cls_list <- lapply(flags, class) $name [1] "character" $landmass [1] "integer" $zone [1] "integer"
[1] "character" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer"
[12] "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "character" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer"
[23] "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "character" "character"
sum(flags$orange) #___to sum how many times orange is in a country's flag
[1] 26
flag_colors <- flags[, 11:17] #_____to extract columns 11-17
sapply(flag_colors, sum) #_____to sum each column in the subset
red green blue gold white black orange
153 91 99 91 146 52 26
sapply(flag_colors,mean) red green blue gold white black orange 0.7886598 0.4690722 0.5103093 0.4690722 0.7525773 0.2680412 0.1340206 flag_shapes <- flags[, 19:23] #_____extract columns shape_mat <- sapply(flag_shapes,range) circles crosses saltires quarters sunstars [1,] 0 0 0 0 0 [2,] 4 2 1 4 50
class(shape_mat) [1] "matrix" "array"
sapply(flags, class)
name landmass zone area population language religion bars stripes colours red
"character" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer"
green blue gold white black orange mainhue circles crosses saltires quarters
"integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "character" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer"
sunstars crescent triangle icon animate text topleft botright
"integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "integer" "character" "character"
Here is a simple way of calculating the mean of a column
- Read csv into a df
- The column we want to calculate the mean of is “Ozone”
- Select the wanted column “Ozone” and assign it to df “oz”
- Omit all NAs from “oz” and assign it back to “oz”
- Calculate the mean of the column
hw1<- read.csv("hw1_data.csv") oz <- hw1 |> # we have 153 rows select(Ozone) oz <- na.omit(oz) # exclude rows with Ozone = NA gives us 116 rows mean(oz$Ozone) #42.12937
Aside from using group_by we can use split to subset a df
library(datasets) head(airquality) s <- split(airquality,airquality$Month)
Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
1 41 190 7.4 67 5 1
2 36 118 8.0 72 5 2
3 12 149 12.6 74 5 3
4 18 313 11.5 62 5 4..
Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
32 NA 286 8.6 78 6 1
33 NA 287 9.7 74 6 2
34 NA 242 16.1 67 6 3
35 NA 186 9.2 84 6 4
36 NA 220 8.6 85 6 5
mean of all cols
#__________So let's calculate the mean of all columns lapply(s, colMeans) $`5` Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day NA NA 11.62258 65.54839 5.00000 16.00000 $`6` Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day NA 190.16667 10.26667 79.10000 6.00000 15.50000 $`7` Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day NA 216.483871 8.941935 83.903226 7.000000 16.000000 $`8` Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day NA NA 8.793548 83.967742 8.000000 16.000000 $`9` Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day NA 167.4333 10.1800 76.9000 9.0000 15.5000
mean of 1 col
#__________what if we want certain column lapply(s, function(santa){ mean(santa[ ,"Wind])}) $`5` [1] 11.62258 $`6` [1] 10.26667 $`7` [1] 8.941935 $`8` [1] 8.793548 $`9` [1] 10.18
mean of several columns
#__________For multiple columns I have to use colMeans instead of mean() lapply(s, function(santa){ colMeans(santa[ ,c("Wind","Temp")])}) $`5` Wind Temp 11.62258 65.54839 $`6` Wind Temp 10.26667 79.10000 $`7` Wind Temp 8.941935 83.903226 $`8` Wind Temp 8.793548 83.967742 $`9` Wind Temp 10.18 76.90
sapply(s, function(santa){ colMeans(santa[ ,c("Ozone","Wind","Temp")])})
5 6 7 8 9
Wind 11.62258 10.26667 8.941935 8.793548 10.18
Temp 65.54839 79.10000 83.903226 83.967742 76.90
sapply(s, function(santa){ colMeans(santa[ ,c("Ozone","Wind","Temp")], na.rm = TRUE)})
5 6 7 8 9
Ozone 23.61538 29.44444 59.115385 59.961538 31.44828
Wind 11.62258 10.26667 8.941935 8.793548 10.18000
Temp 65.54839 79.10000 83.903226 83.967742 76.90000
Scan through a directory for files
Read csv files
Remove NA
Calculate mean of columns
Note: a row might have a value in one column but not the other
install.packages("data.table") library(data.table) pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, id = 1:332){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/specdata/") fileList = list.files(directory) wantedFiles = file.path(fileDir,directory,fileList[id],fsep="/" ) dataIn <- lapply(wantedFiles, read.csv) bound_dataIn =,dataIn) selec_col = na.omit(bound_dataIn[pollutant]) mean(selec_col[,pollutant]) } pollutantmean("specdata","sulfate", 1:10) [1] 4.064128 pollutantmean("specdata","nitrate", 70:72) [1] 1.706047 pollutantmean("specdata","nitrate", 23) [1] 1.280833 pollutantmean("specdata", "sulfate", 34) [1] 1.477143 pollutantmean("specdata", "nitrate") [1] 1.702932 pollutantmean("specdata","nitrate", 30:23) [1] 4.284494
- Need to create a function that calculates the mean of some data
- Function will accept three variables, “directory” , “pollutant” and ID, ID already has a default value
- Data is to be downloaded and stored locally on a drive
- Data is a set of pollutant measurements at different sensors
- Rows will contain NA values
- File name is the same as the sensor ID
- No duplicate sensor IDs, hence no duplicate file names
- Files are .csv format
- We need to find the mean of each pollutant at each sensor ID
- Data contains two columns for two pollutants “nitrate” & “sulfate”
- One col has the date of the reading, and the other column has the sensor ID which matches with the file name
- Code can be found at W2_Ass…#1-3.R
- The first line we set the working directory where the data is located. Note one of the arguments you are asked to pass to the function is the directory where the files are located, so account for that.
- Assign the working directory to fileDir
- We assign a list of all the files in the directory to fileList, view it, and confirm all files are there and nothing unusual is present.
- Let’s take the argument “directory” that was entered by the user and either paste it to the fileDir to make up a file path for each file we want to read, the newer faster function is file.path() so I’ll
- use file.path()
- As the name describes, it creates a file.path to the file
- Note that we use fileList[id] which is a subset of all the files contained in fileList
- How do we know which file we need, well the user passes an argument ID, which could be a single digit: 1, or it could be a sequence: 34:298, it could even be a reverse sequence: 30:25
- Assign the path to: wantedFiles
- Now that we have a file.path to the files we want to read we’ll use lapply to scan through fileList[id] one by one and read the .csv file
- Use lapply to scan through fileList[id] one by one and read the .csv file
- Assign all the data to dataIn
- Add all the files we read binding horizontally (rbind)
- Remember some rows will have NA values
So far here is what a sample of the output looks like:
pollutantmean <- function(directory, pollutant, id = 1:332){
fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/specdata/")
fileList = list.files(directory)
wantedFiles = file.path(fileDir,directory,fileList[id],fsep="/" )
dataIn <- lapply(wantedFiles, read.csv)
bound_dataIn =,dataIn)
Date sulfate nitrate ID
1 2003-01-01 NA NA 1
2 2003-01-02 NA NA 1
3 2003-01-03 NA NA 1
4 2003-01-04 NA NA 1
5 2003-01-05 NA NA 1
6 2003-01-06 NA NA 1
7 2003-01-07 NA NA 1
8 2003-01-08 NA NA 1
- We need to remove all rows that have NA values
- Be careful here, since the aim is to calculate the mean of each column separately, the same row can have a missing value in one column while not the other column
- So evaluate each column independently of the other column
- Save the cleaned rows into selec_col
- Now that we have a bound df of all the data that has been cleaned of all NA values
- Calculate the mean for the pollutant column specified by the user
- mean(selec_col[, pollutant]) means take all rows for the specified pollutant column
This is a continuation to the Mean Function: pollutantmeanfunction(). But let’s go back a touch and
User will input TWO arguments: “directory” and “id”
Instead of calculating the mean() of each pollutant (column), we want to know how many readings were taken at each ID/Sensor
That means we need to omit rows with missing values for all pollutants
In other words, every cell in the row has to have a value or it should be omitted
Output the count of observations for each location/ID/sensor along with the ID
Here we can use the majority of the code used in the Mean Function pollutantmeanfunction() with a couple of minor changes, up to right after we rbind the files together, here is the block we’ll reuse:
complete <- function(directory, id = 1:332){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/specdata/") fileList = list.files(directory) wantedFiles = file.path(fileDir,directory,fileList[id],fsep="/" ) dataIn <- lapply(wantedFiles, read.csv) bound_dataIn <-,dataIn) #that's the same code from pollutantmeanfunction() after editing the arguments and name # we create a df of the rows that are complete.cases which is checked on each row across all columns ok <- bound_dataIn[complete.cases(bound_dataIn), ] #count() counts the unique valaues of one or more variables, it creates a column (n) in df total <- ok |> count(ID, name ="nobs") return(bound_dataIn) } complete("specdata",1) ID nobs 1 1 117 complete("specdata",1:3) ID nobs 1 1 117 2 2 1041 3 3 243 complete("specdata", 30:25) ID nobs 1 25 463 2 26 586 3 27 338 4 28 475 5 29 711 6 30 932 complete("specdata",c(2,4,8,10,12)) ID nobs 1 2 1041 2 4 474 3 8 192 4 10 148 5 12 96 complete("specdata",3) ID nobs 1 3 243
Up to bound_dataIn, all we’ve done is use the code from before, and now we have a long df of data with NA cells. You can see a sample output of bound_dataIn in the above example.
Well why don’t we just use
selec_col = na.omit(bound_dataIn[pollutant])
Well for one, we are not going to operate on each column separately as we did before. We could run na.omit on all columns, here we only have two columns so we can do it, but what if we have 1000 columns? The easier way is to use comple.cases().
Here we want to look for a complete case across all columns so we use and assign it to ok, and now you see what the output looks like. What I notice is that the first complete case is not till row 279 for ID=1, so it eliminated 278 rows right at the start of the first file.
ok <- bound_dataIn[complete.cases(bound_dataIn), ]
Date sulfate nitrate ID
279 2003-10-06 7.210 0.651 1
285 2003-10-12 5.990 0.428 1
291 2003-10-18 4.680 1.040 1
297 2003-10-24 3.470 0.363 1
303 2003-10-30 2.420 0.507 1
315 2003-11-11 1.430 0.474 1
321 2003-11-17 2.760 0.425 1
327 2003-11-23 3.410 0.964 1
333 2003-11-29 1.300 0.491 1
339 2003-12-05 3.150 0.669 1
345 2003-12-11 2.870 0.400 1
357 2003-12-23 2.270 0.715 1
363 2003-12-29 2.330 0.554 1
369 2004-01-04 1.840 0.803 1
375 2004-01-10 7.130 0.518 1
387 2004-01-22 2.050 1.400 1
393 2004-01-28 2.050 0.979 1
Here is a look on a redundant explanation using group_by. It is not needed because Count(ID, name=…) automatically counts the occurrence of each ID. The reason I put it in here and not used it is to explain the thinking of what you’re doing. In a sense we are grouping all the IDs together and counting how many times they occur.
grouped <- ok |> group_by(ok$ID) |> count(ok$ID, name="nobs")
Nothing special here, all that’s left to do is count the observations for each ID, and as specified we need to save it in a new column “nobs” so we need to create a new column and store the count values in it:
#count() counts the unique values of one or more variables, it creates a column (name="x") in df
total <- ok |>
count(ID, name ="nobs")
Build a function that accepts a directory, and a threshold.
We’ll use the entire dataset to start with (hint: use whatever you can from the functions we just created)
Calculate the correlation between the two pollutants/columns if that ID/sensor meets the threshold
Ignore all ID/Sensors/Locations that don’t meet the threshold
Eliminate all rows that have any missing values (since we are looking for a correlation between the two) it means both columns have to have values
Save the correlation values for each sensor and provide a summary for each input argument
# Let's initialize some vectors met_thr <- numeric() cvalue <- numeric() corr_vec <- c() #fetch all the complete.cases data from previous function complete() all_data <- complete("specdata",1:332) corr <- function( directory, threshold = 0){ #extract a list of IDs that meet threshold from function in part 2 results. all_data[2] is a column with IDs of stations met_thr <- subset(all_data, all_data[2] > threshold) #Proceed only if at least one station meets the threshold if (nrow(met_thr) > 0){ # get list of all files from the directory fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/specdata/") fileList = list.files(directory) # extract files that met threshold and save in rawdataIn for ( index in met_thr[1]){ wantedFiles = file.path(fileDir,directory,fileList[index],fsep="/" ) rawdataIn <- lapply(wantedFiles, read.csv) #loop through the df one station at a time for (ii in 1:length((rawdataIn))){ #loop each station file one row at a time skipping NA rows, to calculate correlation of col2,3 for (v in nrow(rawdataIn[[ii]])){ cvalue <- cor(rawdataIn[[ii]][2], rawdataIn[[ii]][3], use = "complete.obs") corr_vec <- c(corr_vec, cvalue) } } } return(corr_vec) } } cr <- corr("specdata", 150) head(cr) [1] -0.01895754 -0.14051254 -0.04389737 -0.06815956 -0.12350667 -0.07588814 summary(cr) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -0.21057 -0.04999 0.09463 0.12525 0.26844 0.76313 cr <- corr("specdata", 400) head(cr) [1] -0.01895754 -0.04389737 -0.06815956 -0.07588814 0.76312884 -0.15782860 summary(cr) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -0.17623 -0.03109 0.10021 0.13969 0.26849 0.76313 cr <- corr("specdata", 5000) summary(cr) Length Class Mode 0 NULL NULL length(cr) [1] 0 cr <- corr("specdata") summary(cr) Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. -1.00000 -0.05282 0.10718 0.13684 0.27831 1.00000 length(cr) [1] 323
for loop (nested)
Here you can see the use of nested for loops, and cor() function all together:
for ( index in met_thr[1]){ wantedFiles = file.path(fileDir,directory,fileList[index],fsep="/" ) rawdataIn <- lapply(wantedFiles, read.csv) #loop through the df one station at a time for (ii in 1:length((rawdataIn))){ #loop each station file one row at a time skipping NA rows, to calculate correlation of col2,3 for (v in nrow(rawdataIn[[ii]])){ cvalue <- cor(rawdataIn[[ii]][2], rawdataIn[[ii]][3], use = "complete.obs") corr_vec <- c(corr_vec, cvalue) } } }
Mortality Rates
#Compare Care data found in "D:/~/outcome-of-care-measures" & "/hospital-data.csv" #Let's read one of the files into a df# read.csv("D:/~/outcome-of-care-measures.csv", colClasses = "Character") # could have been used to set all columns to characters which I am not going to use outcome <- read.csv("D:~/outcome-of-care-measures.csv") head(outcome) dim(outcome) object.size(outcome) names(outcome) summary(outcome) ls(outcome) str(outcome) # the most telling is str() which alerts me that the columns we're about to use are all of class='chr'->need to convert to num
Plot a histogram of the 30 day death rates from heart attacks (col #11).
#_______________Let's see a Histogram of the 30-day death rates from heart attack #_________review attached pdf as well as names() shows that column is #11 #_________ so to coerce all rows we use [ , 11] outcome[ ,11] <- as.numeric(outcome[ ,11]) Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion hist(outcome[ ,11])
Best in State
stop(…, call. = TRUE, domain = NULL) takes zero or more objects which can be coerced to character or a single object is the first argument which we’ll focus on.
if x > y stop("are you crazy?! What are you thinking?")
- Write a function(best) that accepts 2 arguments: 2 char abbreviated state name, and an outcome name; in order to
- Find the best hospital in each state based on 30-day mortality rate (lowest). Use column 2 –
- Base it on Column sto 11 –
- Column 17 –
- Column 23 –
- Hospitals with no data on that specific outcome should be excluded from that set
- If a tie exists in that set, then sort in alphabetical order and the first on that list will be the winner
- If an invalid state is passed, function should throw an error via the stop function “invalid state”. Column 7 –
- If an invalid outcome is passed to best, function should throw an error via the stop function “invalid outcome”
Let’s start by creating a function that reads the data in:
#_______________Let's create a function that reads our datain
getfile <- function(file){
fileDir <- setwd("D:/~/CompareCare/")
wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/")
datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv")
Create the function that solves the assignment:
best <- function(state, outcome) { #read data in using the function getfile() datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv") ## Check that state and outcome are valid if not stop and issue a warning if (!(state %in% datain[,7])){ stop("invalid state")} if (!((outcome == "heart attack") | (outcome == "heart failure") | (outcome == "pneumonia"))) {stop("invalid outcome")} # Create a subset for the only state given by the user # we could use stateonly <- filter(datain, State == state) note state is the argument passed into the function stateonly <- subset(datain, State == state) # Assign outcome input to appropriate column so we can filter that out if (outcome == "heart attack") {usethis = 11} if (outcome == "heart failure") {usethis = 17} if (outcome == "pneumonia") {usethis = 23} # Let's filter/subset the stateonly subset to include Hospital Name, and the outcome given by user subdata <- select(stateonly, c("State", "Hospital.Name", all_of(usethis))) # "Not Applicable" in the 3rd column is not detected by any of the NA functions so I'll do it manually gooddata <- subset(subdata, subdata[3] != "Not Available") #rate in df is a char, so unlist it and coerce it to a numeric gooddata[3] <- as.numeric(unlist(gooddata[3])) # Arrange in ascending order of rate=col[3] first and name=col[2] second to break a tie if it exists #and assign the row number to the new rank column blah <- gooddata |> arrange((gooddata[3]), gooddata[2]) |> mutate(rank = row_number()) #return the hospital name with the lowest rank or row 1 col 2 blah <- (blah[1,2]) }
b <- best("TX", "heart attack") [1] "CYPRESS FAIRBANKS MEDICAL CENTER" b <- best("TX", "heart failure") [1] "FORT DUNCAN MEDICAL CENTER" b <- best("MD", "heart attack") [1] "JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL, THE" b <- best("MD", "pneumonia") [1] "GREATER BALTIMORE MEDICAL CENTER" b <- best("BB", "heart attack") Error in best("BB", "heart attack") : invalid state b <- best("NY", "hert attack") Error in best("NY", "hert attack") : invalid outcome
Rank by State
Continuing the theme of 1 & 2, I’ll create a function rankhospital() that:
- Takes 3 arguments: State, outcome, rank
- This time we want to pull that specific hospital that meets that rank for that specific outcome
- Just as before if state or outcome are invalid execute a stop() with message
- Rank argument accepts “best”, “worst”, or an integer indicating the desired rank, the lower the number the better the rank
- If rank argument is greater than the ranks for the outcome, return NA
- As before, a tie is decided by the alphabetical order of hospitals
- Output is a character vector of the hospital name meeting the condition
# select() is in tidyverse so load it library(tidyverse) #_______________Let's copy the function from before, that reads our datain getfile <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/CompareCare/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) }
#______________Function to return the hospital with the desired ranking based on outcome given rankhospital <- function(state, outcome, num = "best") { #read data in using the function getfile() datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv") ## Check that state and outcome are valid if (!(state %in% datain[,7])){ stop("invalid state")} if (!((outcome == "heart attack") | (outcome == "heart failure") | (outcome == "pneumonia"))) {stop("invalid outcome")} # Create a subset for the only state given by the user # we could use stateonly <- filter(datain, State == state) note state is the argument passed into the function stateonly <- subset(datain, State == state) # Assign outcome to appropriate column so we can filter that out if (outcome == "heart attack") {usethis = 11} if (outcome == "heart failure") {usethis = 17} if (outcome == "pneumonia") {usethis = 23} # Let's filter the stateonly subset to include Hospital Name, and the outcome given by user subdata <- select(stateonly, c("State", "Hospital.Name", all_of(usethis))) # Not Applicable in the 3rd column is not detected by any of the NA functions so I'll do it manually gooddata <- subset(subdata, subdata[3] != "Not Available") #now that we've removed empty rows we can test num input and set variables if (num == "best") {num = 1} if (num == "worst") {num = nrow(gooddata)} #rate in df is a char, so unlist it and coerce it to a numeric gooddata[3] <- as.numeric(unlist(gooddata[3])) # Arrange in ascending order of rate=col[3] first and name=col[2] second to break a tie if it exists # Create rank and create new col blah <- gooddata |> arrange((gooddata[3]), gooddata[2]) |> mutate(rank = row_number()) #return the hospital name with the desired rank in blah if (num > nrow(gooddata)) { blah = "NA"} else {blah <- (blah[num,2])} } yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", 2) [1] "HOUSTON NORTHWEST MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", 1) [1] "CYPRESS FAIRBANKS MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", "best") [1] "CYPRESS FAIRBANKS MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", 102) [1] "LONGVIEW REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", "worst") [1] "LAREDO MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", 2000) [1] "NA" yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart failure", 4) [1] "DETAR HOSPITAL NAVARRO" > yep <- rankhospital("TX", "heart attack", "worst") [1] "LAREDO MEDICAL CENTER" yep <- rankhospital("MD", "heart attack", "worst") [1] "HARFORD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL" yep <- rankhospital("MN", "heart attack", 5000) [1] "NA"
All States Rank
Create a function rankall() that:
- Takes 2 args: (outcome) and hospital ranking (num)
- Outcome is identical to what we used before
- (num)
- Output is a 2 column df containing the hospital in each state that satisfies the rank=num specified by user
- First column is named: (hospital) and second is (state) containing 2-char abbreviation
- As before if a hospital doesn’t have data for that outcome it should be excluded
- num just as before could be “bet”, “worst”, an integer within the range or out of range of the ranks
- Some states might have NA values as no hospital might meet the ranking requirements, it’s ok. This part could be tricky if you misread it. To deal with it:
- I’ll create a list of all states in the dataset
- Once user enters a num, and the dataset is filtered to that value, I’ll compare this subset to the list of all states and enter NA for any rows in the list of all states that are not in the new subset (filtered) dataset
- Ranking ties are handled as before
- Input validity is as before
# select() is in tidyverse so load it
#_______________Let's copy the function from before, that reads our datain
getfile <- function(file){
fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/CompareCare/")
wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/")
datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv")
#______________Function to return the hospital with the desired ranking based on outcome given rankall <- function(outcome, num = "best") { # check validity of (outcome input) if (!((outcome == "heart attack") | (outcome == "heart failure") | (outcome == "pneumonia"))) {stop("invalid outcome")} # Assign outcome to appropriate column so we can filter that out if (outcome == "heart attack") {usethis = 11} if (outcome == "heart failure") {usethis = 17} if (outcome == "pneumonia") {usethis = 23} # Let's filter out columns not needed subdata <- select(datain, c("State", "Hospital.Name", all_of(usethis))) # Not Applicable in the 3rd column is not detected by any of the NA functions so I'll do it manually gooddata <- subset(subdata, subdata[3] != "Not Available") #rate in df is a char, so unlist it and coerce it to a numeric gooddata[3] <- as.numeric(unlist(gooddata[3])) #__so far it's been the same as the other sections above #Let's group by state add count for how many rows are in each state group (found) groudata <- gooddata |> group_by(gooddata$State) |> mutate(found = n()) #Sort in ascending order, and add (rank) col for each row in the group bystate <- groudata |> arrange((groudata[3]), groudata[2], .by_group = TRUE) |> mutate(rank = row_number()) # set conditions based on input from user for (num) if (num == "best") {num = 1} if (num == "worst") {num = bystate$found} #worst would be the last row in that state group or the count=found # Once the user specifies num we subset bystate into rows with rank = num (input value) rankedout <- subset(bystate, bystate$rank == num) #create a df of all rows from the dataset that was grouped by states #I could've use bystate but I needed a sperate df that included all states in the dataset statesfound <- bystate[,c("State","Hospital.Name","found")] #I'll take out all duplicates, I basically want just a list of all the states=statesfound and the count of occurences per group=found statesfound <- statesfound[!duplicated(statesfound$State),] #if user inputs num>found (values) for a state, display NA for that state's Hospital name #decided not to use this approach, found an easier one below # outlist <- statesfound # outlist$Hospital.Name[outlist$found < num] <- "NA" #satesfound has all the states(54 rows), rankedout has the filtered states (< 54rows) # merge/join rankedout to statesfound and enter NA in Hospital Name column for rows in left and not in right almostlist <- merge(statesfound, rankedout, by= "State", all.x = TRUE) #because both df statesfound and rankedout have a col Hospital.Name then the merged(wanted) one is labeled ~.y #create a subset df of just the values asked for in the assignment: State & Hospital Name outlist <- almostlist[c("State","Hospital.Name.y")] outlist <- outlist |> rename(Hospital = Hospital.Name.y) return(outlist) }
outlist <- rankall("pneumonia","worst") tail(outlist,3) State Hospital 52 WI MAYO CLINIC HEALTH SYSTEM - NORTHLAND, INC 53 WV PLATEAU MEDICAL CENTER 54 WY NORTH BIG HORN HOSPITAL DISTRICT
r <- rankall("heart attack", 4) as.character(subset(r, State == "HI")$Hospital) #[1] "CASTLE MEDICAL CENTER"
r2 <- rankall("pneumonia", "worst") as.character(subset(r2, State == "NJ")$Hospital) #[1] "BERGEN REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER"
r3 <- rankall("heart failure", 10)
as.character(subset(r3, State == "NV")$Hospital)
data input
# select() is in tidyverse so load it library(tidyverse) #_______________Let's copy the function from before, that reads our datain getfile <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("~/CompareCare/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv")
Let’s look at the classes of all the columns in the dataset, first let’s see what type of object it is:
[1] "data.frame"
Let’s use lapply to find out what the class of each column is
class_list <- lapply(datain,class) class_list list[46] List of length 46 $Provider.Number [1] "character" $Hospital.Name [1] "character" $Address.1 [1].....
List Groups
Let’s keep inspecting the data, we know we have to extract data by state eventually, so how many states/groups are in the dataframe?
There are so many ways to find that out let me see if I can hit on a few of them here, we can start with lapply, we just used it above so let’s start with it.
extract column
Here is the final statement, but let’s break it down piece by piece:
state_list <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(datain,function(santa){datain[7]} ))))
I’ll create an anonymous function to extract the seventh column (State column). This will give us a list of 46 dfs one for each column with all the data grouped by datain[7] for all rows, that’s 4706 rows per column the total rows in the entire dataset. I’ve included a part of the output:
- lapply always puts out a list
- each column is grouped according to the santa() the function based on column [7] the state column
- As you can see, it starts off with AL, well the reason being is that happens to be the first state in the datain dataset.
- I know there is a state AK which would be the first state after the data is sorted.
- So be aware that the data is not sorted, just grouped
Here is how it breaks down:
howmanystates <- lapply(datain,function(santa){datain[7]})
List of 46
$ Provider.Number :'data.frame': 4706 obs. of 1 variable:
..$ State: chr [1:4706] "AL" "AL" "AL" "AL" ...
$ Hospital.Name :'data.frame': 4706 obs. of 1 variable:
..$ State: chr [1:4706] "AL" "AL" "AL" "AL" ...
$ Address.1 :'data.frame': 4706 obs. of 1 variable:
..$ State: chr [1:4706] "AL" "AL" "AL" "AL" ...
$ Address.2 :'data.frame': 4706 obs. of 1 variable:
..$ State:
alter function
Instead of extracting State column[7], let’s look for unique values in column[7] using lapply again. Well the results are not close but close!
- We end up with a df (46,54), that’s 46 columns for the original columns and 54 rows for all the unique State values column[7].
- The funny part is we start with row numbered 1 with every value in that row being AL
- Second row is numbered 99, with every value being AK for all 46 columns
- Third row is numbered 116, with every value being AZ in every column
- What’s interesting is that the total count of occurrences for AL is 98 as you’ll see down below when we count the occurrence of each state
- The number for row 3 is 116 which is 17 higher than row 2 which corresponds to
- The total number of occurences for AK is 17
- So in a way it does provide us with a count for occurrences for each state in a roundabout way
lapply_list <- lapply(datain, function(ho){unique(datain[7])})
What happens if we unlist howmanystates from above? Let’s try it. We get a list a list of values xxxx long. What happened is unlist will flatten the previous list of dataframes into one long list and we end up flattening a df that had 46 columns and thousands of rows into one long list of all the values.
howmanystates2 <- unlist(lapply(datain,function(santa){datain[7]}))
[1] 216476
That’s exactly what we want! Let’s now pull in the unique values for State!
As mentioned above let’s see how many unique states are in the dataset. We get a list of characters 54 elements long.
howmanystates2 <- unique(unlist(lapply(datain,function(santa){datain[7]})))
[1] "AL" "AK" "AZ" "AR" "CA" "CO" "CT" "DE" "DC" "FL" "GA" "HI" "ID" "IL" "IN" "IA" "KS" "KY" "LA" "ME"
"MD" "MA" "MI" "MN" "MS" "MO" "MT"
[28] "NE" "NV" "NH" "NJ" "NM" "NY" "NC" "ND" "OH" "OK" "OR" "PA" "PR" "RI" "SC" "SD" "TN" "TX" "UT" "VT"
"VI" "VA" "WA" "WV" "WI" "WY" "GU"
[1] 54
As you shown above, the list is not sorted in order so let’s do that with the sort(). Now we have the complete statement –
I changed the name to state_list. We’ll use this later. SAME AS unique_list see below
state_list <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(datain,function(santa){datain[7]} ))))
[1] "AK" "AL" "AR" "AZ" "CA" "CO" "CT" "DC" "DE" "FL" "GA" "GU" "HI" "IA" "ID" "IL" "IN" "KS"
"KY" "LA" "MA" "MD" "ME" "MI" "MN" "MO" "MS"
[28] "MT" "NC" "ND" "NE" "NH" "NJ" "NM" "NV" "NY" "OH" "OK" "OR" "PA" "PR" "RI" "SC" "SD" "TN"
"TX" "UT" "VA" "VI" "VT" "WA" "WI" "WV" "WY"
split() will split the data by State. It will give us a list of 54 dataframes one for each state in the dataset. It is a few steps ahead of using lapply.
Each df is summarized with dimensions of rows and columns which gives us the length of each df, which is the count of rows in each group. The list is sorted in ascending order of State as well.
sgroup <- split(datain,datain$State)
Instead of using lapply above, we can use sapply, which counts each group of States and we avoid all the other steps. What if we want to pull the length of each out into it’s own list
Now we get count_sgroup which a list of all the states and a column of count/nrow for each state. We used the split data sgroup from above.
count_sgroup <- sapply(sgroup, count)
We could’ve just used unique without lapply() but we still have to sort it. Unique() starts extracting the first element in the State/ column[7] regardless of where in the order it happens to be. It is looking for a unique value in the column not meant to sort the result. So, with sort() we get unique_list, which is the same as state_list of length 54.
unique_list <- sort(unique(datain$State))
SAME AS state_list see above in lapply/sort
Here is the definition of n_distinct in case you missed it from Process page. NA is irrelevant at this stage.
n_distinct() counts the number of unique/distinct combinations in a set of one or more vectors. It’s a faster and more concise equivalent to nrow(unique(data.frame(…))). Usage: n_distinct(…, na.rm = FALSE)
dis_list <- n_distinct(datain$State)
[1] 54
Use this one for many reasons. Will copy down to the section below because it provides answers to both sections. So what does this count() do?
- It created a df with two columns
- One column is State
- Second count is (n) the count of occurrence for each state
- sort=TRUE will sort the df in (n) ascending order
- sort=FALSE or omitted will sort the df in ascending order based on State
count_list <- datain |>
State n
1 AK 17
2 AL 98
3 AR 77
4 AZ 77
5 CA 341
6 CO 72
7 CT 32
8 DC 8
9 DE 6
10 FL 180
11 GA 132
12 GU 1
13 HI 19
14 IA 109
15 ID 30
16 IL 179
17 IN 124
18 KS 118
19 KY 96
20 LA 114
21 MA 68
22 MD 45
23 ME 37
24 MI 134
25 MN 133
26 MO 108
27 MS 83
28 MT 54
29 NC 112
30 ND 36
31 NE 90
32 NH 26
33 NJ 65
34 NM 40
35 NV 28
36 NY 185
37 OH 170
38 OK 126
39 OR 59
40 PA 175
41 PR 51
42 RI 12
43 SC 63
44 SD 48
45 TN 116
46 TX 370
47 UT 42
48 VA 87
49 VI 2
50 VT 15
51 WA 88
52 WI 125
53 WV 54
54 WY 29
Rename (n) to howmany by adding the last line
count_list <- datain |> count(State) |> rename( howmany = n)
Of course, group_by can be used. This chunk of code
- Creates a df with the rows grouped by states with the first group being for AL because that happens to be the first row in the datain dataset.
- Number of rows remains the same as the original datain set because all we’ve done is group
- A column labeled n displays the count of occurrences for each group/state, repeated for every row in that group till the next group starts
- So for example AL will have 98 in that column and the next 97 rows will all have 98 till the next group start
- Also another column that’s the sort column is created, in this case that column is labeled datain$State
- Continue the next phase down in filter below
groupdata <- datain |> group_by(datain$State) |> mutate(found = n())
Count per Group
count per state
Let’s see how many entries per state. We could save the information if we need it
17 98 77 77 341 72 32 8 6 180 132 1 19 109 30 179 124 118 96 114
68 45 37 134 133 108 83 54 112 36 90 26 65 40 28
185 170 126 59 175 51 12 63 48 116 370 42 87 2 15 88 125 54 29
count & list of groups
This is a very handy way of creating a list as well as the count of each group/state saved in a df. I prefer to use this if I needed a separate list. See List Groups duplicate section explaining this block of code as well as the output for it
count_list <- datain |> count(State)
- 54 states have data
- Not all states have the same count which means that some states will not not have values depending on what the user inputs in num=XX. For example if the user enters num=25, then right off the bat we know AK, DC, DE, GU, HI, RI, VI, VT will not have any entries at that ranking and the other 48 MIGHT, I say might
- Just because a state has a specific count it doesn’t mean that every column will have a value up to the nrow, so we have to know how to handle those missing values
- All mortality rate columns are of “character” class and we need to output a value related to the rank of each hospital, so we need to coerce these columns to numeric
- We have 46 columns and we only need a handful of columns for this function
Since we are going to be writing a function, we want to guard against bad input from the user (wrong values as arguments)
- The function rankall() we are about to create takes 2 arguments
- outcome – which could be any of these three: heart attack, heart failure, pneumonia
- num – takes an integer, or “best” or “worst” with best meaning the lowest rating and worst meaning the highest rating
- If outcome is wrong we want to issue a warning and stop the execution
- Look in the documentation for more information as to which column corresponds to each outcome.
- As listed above, the corresponding columns are: 11, 17, 23
- We already know the State column is column 7
- Hospital Name column is column 2 or Hospital.Name
Here is how we’ll deal with validating the arguments:
# check validity of (outcome input) if (!((outcome == "heart attack") | (outcome == "heart failure") | (outcome == "pneumonia"))) {stop("invalid outcome")} # Assign outcome to appropriate column so we can filter that out if (outcome == "heart attack") {usethis = 11} if (outcome == "heart failure") {usethis = 17} if (outcome == "pneumonia") {usethis = 23}
Let’s filter out the columns we need based on the argument. Based on what I created above we can now use (usethis) as the filter
Let’s narrow down the dataset to the needed columns
# Let's filter out columns not needed
subdata <- select(datain, c("State", "Hospital.Name", all_of(usethis)))
remove na
Many rows have Not Applicable as value, and all na fuctions failed to remove them, so I’ll just remove them manually
gooddata <- subset(subdata, subdata[3] != "Not Available")
coerce values
Remember that all the rate columns are of type “char”, so instead of coercing the entire dataset, I chose to just work with the column that’s needed based on the input to the function. Since we already created a subset of the 3 columns we extracted and named it gooddata we’ll use that and coerce column 3
gooddata[3] <- as.numeric(unlist(gooddata[3]))
See group_by section above.
So far, we’ve
- Loaded the data
- Inspected the data
- Validate arguments coming into the function
- Removed “Not Available” from rows
- Filtered the data to the “outcome” specified by the arguments
- Coerced the outcome column from char to numeric
- So now let’s group the data into states and sort in order
- Within each state we want sort mortality rate “outcome” in ascending order
- We want to create a ranking for each row within that group/state
- Basically, we want to know which the rank for each hospital within its state
- If two hospitals are tied with the same rate, we need to choose the one that occurs first alphabetically
Let’s group the data by state, count the occurrences of observations in each state
groupdata <- gooddata |> group_by(gooddata$State) |> mutate(found = n())
Arrange within each group/state the rate (column 2) and if a tie exists, we need to choose the one that occurs first alphabetically
rankedgroups <- groupdata |> arrange((groupdata[3]), groupdata[2], .by_group = TRUE) |> mutate(rank = row_number())
Here is what I did in the code above:
- arranged first by [3] which is the rate, so now it’ll all be sorted in ascending order with the best(lowest value) on top
- then we arrange it by [2] which is Hospital.Name so in case of a tie the one that occured first will have the higher rank
- create a new column where we assign the rank of each hospital within that state
If you remember above, I tested for the arguments but not all of them. I didn’t test for “best”, “worst” and how to extract that data. Let’s look at the code first and then I’ll explain
if (num == "best") {num = 1} if (num == "worst") {num = rankedgroups$found} #filter rankedgroups to show rows with rank = input rankedout <- subset(rankedgroups, rankedgroups$rank == num)
If you remember from before:
- I had created a column labeled found in the first group_by function. That value is the most rows that State had for that outcome, which would make it the max, in other words it’s the “worst” rank.
- So if the user inputs “worst” we assign num = rankedgroups$found
- We create a df with only the ranked value num so we use subset() with the condition rankedgroups$rank == num
extract group by rank
So now let’s create that df I mentioned a line up. We want to take the num argument and filter out the data to only show the hospitals that meet that rank. For example, if we want the top 5 hospitals for that outcome in each state we set num=5
rankedout <- subset(rankedgroups, rankedgroups$rank == num)
group list
Remember earlier we used several ways to extract a list of the groups/states and the count of occurrences/observations for each? Here we use it again
count_list <- datain |> count(State) |> rename( found = n)
merge lists
Now that we have a list of all the states (count_list) and a list of all the filtered, ranked Hospital Names for each State (rankedout) we can merge them together
- Note: I’ll use count_list on the left because that’s the list of ALL states in the dataset
- One of the conditions was to display any state that has missing values as NA
- We don’t need all the columns from (rankedout) df so we’ll just select the two we want
almostlist <- merge(count_list, rankedout[,c("State", "Hospital.Name")], by= "State", all.x = TRUE)
drop column
count_list had a column (foun) that is no longer needed so we can drop it
almostlist <- subset(almostlist, select= -c(found))
I’ve removed all the comments since we covered everything in detail up above.
# select() is in tidyverse so load it library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) #_______________Let's copy the function from before, that reads our datain getfile <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("~/CompareCare/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } datain <- getfile("outcome-of-care-measures.csv") rankall <- function(outcome, num = "best") { if (!((outcome == "heart attack") | (outcome == "heart failure") | (outcome == "pneumonia"))) {stop("invalid outcome")} if (outcome == "heart attack") {usethis = 11} if (outcome == "heart failure") {usethis = 17} if (outcome == "pneumonia") {usethis = 23} subdata <- select(datain, c("State", "Hospital.Name", all_of(usethis))) gooddata <- subset(subdata, subdata[3] != "Not Available") gooddata[3] <- as.numeric(unlist(gooddata[3])) groupdata <- gooddata |> group_by(gooddata$State) |> mutate(found = n()) rankedgroups <- groupdata |> arrange((groupdata[3]), groupdata[2], .by_group = TRUE) |> mutate(rank = row_number()) if (num == "best") {num = 1} if (num == "worst") {num = rankedgroups$found} rankedout <- subset(rankedgroups, rankedgroups$rank == num) count_list <- datain |> count(State) |> rename( found = n) almostlist <- merge(count_list, rankedout[,c("State", "Hospital.Name")], by= "State", all.x = TRUE) almostlist <- subset(almostlist, select= -c(found)) }
c <- rankall("pneumonia",20)
Load the data from here and load the data into R. The code book is at
Business Case
- Create a logical vector that identifies the households on greater than 10 acres who sold more than $10,000 worth of agriculture products
- Assign that logical vector to the variable agricultureLogical
- Apply which() to identify the rows of the data frame where the logical vector is TRUE.
- Provide the first 3 row IDs that meet the conditions
After reviewing the code book, the columns that I need are as follows:
- AGS = 6 is the column for sales of agriculture products >10000
- ACR = 3 is for house on 10 acres or more
- I’ll use subset() to filter out the conditions into a new df
- I’ll use which() as well to confirm the answers
load data
I’ll use the function I created earlier to load the data after downloading to my local drive.
getc3w3 <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } c3_w3 <- getc3w3("course3_week3.csv") agri <- subset(c3_w3,AGS==6 & ACR==3) head(agri, n=3) 125, 238, 262 #_______ I'll use which() to confirm results blah <- c3_w3[which(c3_w3$AGS==6 & c3_w3$ACR==3),] head(blah, n=3) 125, 238,262
Business Case
- Install jpeg package
- Download a specified jpeg to the local drive
- Calculate the 30 and 80%
getimage<- function(file){
fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/")
wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/")
return(readJPEG(wantedFile, native = TRUE))
image <- getimage("getdata_jeff.jpg")
30% 80%
-15259150 -10575416
Business Case
- Load the Gross Domestic Product data for the 190 ranked countries in this data set:
- Load the educational data from this data set:
- Match the data based on the country shortcode
- How many of the IDs match?
- Sort the data frame in descending order by GDP rank (so United States is last)
- What is the 13th country in the resulting data frame?
- Original data sources:
getfile <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } gdp <- getfile("getdata_data_GDP.csv") edu <- getfile("getdata_data_EDSTATS_Country.csv") # compare country short codes short_intersect <- intersect(gdp$X.2, edu$Short.Name) View(short_intersect) library(dplyr) merged <- merge(gdp, edu, by.x = "X", by.y = "CountryCode") names(merged) #to find the names I need merged <- merged |> select("X","Gross.domestic.product.2012","Long.Name","Short.Name", "Income.Group" ) merged <- merged |> arrange(desc(as.numeric(Gross.domestic.product.2012))) # Eliminate rows that don't have a value for GDP merged <- merged |> filter(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012>= 1) 189 rows = matches, 13th country is St Kitts and Nevis
Business Case
- What’s the average GDP ranking for the High Income: OECD and High Income: nonOCED groups?
str(merged) #just to refresh my memory as to the column type avgtable <- merged |> group_by(Income.Group) |> summarise(av = mean(as.numeric(Gross.domestic.product.2012))) # A tibble: 5 × 2 Income.Group av 1 High income: OECD 33.0 2 High income: nonOECD 91.9 3 Low income 134. 4 Lower middle income 108. 5 Upper middle income 92.1
Business Case
- Cut the GDP rankings into 5 separate groups
- Make a table for rankings vs Income.Group
- How many countries are Lower Middle Income but are among the 38 nations with the Highest GDP
- Note the Highest GDP is the US = 1 rank, so I need to look at 1-38
- Install Hmisc package
install.packages("Hmisc") library(Hmisc) GDP <- as.numeric(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012) #_____ The next line is just to check the distribution ONLY not part of the solution cutGDP =quantile(as.numeric(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012), na.rm = TRUE) 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 1 48 95 143 190 #_________The next block is not the answer either, I am just showing the difference between using quantile and 5 breaks cGDP <- cut( merged, breaks = quantile(GDP)) cutup <- cut(as.numeric(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012), breaks=quantile(as.numeric(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012))) [1] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] [13] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] [25] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] [37] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (143,190] (95,143] [49] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] [61] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] [73] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] [85] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (95,143] (48,95] (48,95] [97] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] [109] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] [121] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] [133] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (48,95] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] [145] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] [157] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] [169] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] [181] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] (1,48] Levels: (1,48] (48,95] (95,143] (143,190] #_____ The BC is for 5 levels so let's cut it with breaks=5 cutup2 <- cut(as.numeric(merged$Gross.domestic.product.2012), breaks=5) [1] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] [10] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] [19] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] [28] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] (152,190] [37] (152,190] (152,190] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] [46] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] [55] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] [64] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] [73] (114,152] (114,152] (114,152] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] [82] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] [91] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] [100] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] [109] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (76.6,114] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] [118] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] [127] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] [136] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] [145] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (38.8,76.6] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] [154] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] [163] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] [172] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] [181] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] (0.811,38.8] Levels: (0.811,38.8] (38.8,76.6] (76.6,114] (114,152] (152,190] ANSWER <- table(cutup2,merged$Income.Group ) cutup2 High income: nonOECD High income: OECD Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income (0.811,38.8] 4 18 0 5 11 (38.8,76.6] 5 10 1 13 9 (76.6,114] 8 1 9 12 8 (114,152] 4 1 16 8 8 (152,190] 2 0 11 16 9 #__________________ ANSWER IS LOWER MIDDLE INCOME AND FIRST ROW == 5 FROM TABLE ABOVE ANSWER[1,4] [1] 5
See Vector post for more.
Let’s say
grep("Alameda", df$intersection)
[1] 4 5 36
grep("Alameda", df$intersection, value=TRUE)
[1] "The Alameda & 33rd st" "E 33rd & The Alameda" "Harford...."
grep("Jeffers", df$intersection) integer(0) length(grep("Jeffers", df$intersection)) [1] 0
Will look for this version Alameda. It will look for it in this intersection variable. And it will return a vector that’s true whenever Alameda appears and false whenever Alameda doesn’t appear.
And so in this case you can see that in that three of the times the Alameda appears, and so if I make a table of the true and false values, it’s true three of the times.
table(grepl("Alameda", df$intersection) FALSE TRUE 77 3
or example, suppose I want to find all the cases where Alameda appears in the intersection. And if Alameda doesn’t appear, then I want to subset to only that subset of the data.
I can do that using this grepl command. So you can use that to subset your data based on certain searches that you want to be able to find.
subgroup <- df[!grepl("Alameda", df$intersection),]
The American Community Survey distributes downloadable data about United States communities. Download the 2006 microdata survey about housing for the state of Idaho using download.file() from here:
and load the data into R. The code book, describing the variable names is here:
Business Case
- Apply strsplit() to split all the names of the data frame on the characters “wgtp”.
- What is the value of the 123 element of the resulting list?
getc3w4 <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } c3_w4 <- getc3w4("getdata_data_ss06hid.csv") wgtpsplit <- strsplit(names(c3_w4),"wgtp") List of 188 $ : chr "RT" $ : chr "SERIALNO" $ : chr "DIVISION" $ : chr "PUMA" $ : chr "REGION" $ : chr "ST" $ : chr "ADJUST" $ : chr "WGTP" $ : chr "NP" $ : chr "TYPE" $ : chr "ACR" $ : chr "AGS" $ : chr "BDS" $ : chr "BLD" $ : chr "BUS" wgtpsplit[123] [[1]] [1] "" "15"
Load the Gross Domestic Product data for the 190 ranked countries in this data set:
Original data sources:
Business Case
- Remove the commas from the GDP numbers in millions of dollars and
- Average them. What is the average?
library(dplyr) library(tidyr) getgdp <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } gdpp <- getgdp("getdata_data_GDP.csv") gdpcol <- gdpp |> select(X.1, X.2,X.3) #it appears that the real data starts at row 5 and stops at row 194 realdf <- gdpcol[5:194,] # column X.3 is the one we need and is of type "char". Substitue , with "" gdp11 <- gsub(",","",realdf$X.3) df11 <- data.frame(gdp11) mean(as.numeric(df11$gdp11)) [1] 377652.4 #____or summarise(df11, mean=mean(as.numeric(gdp11))) mean 1 377652.4
#Could've used fread to import data directly into a table with
GDPrank <- data.table::fread(''
, skip=5
, nrows=190
, select = c(1, 2, 4, 5)
, col.names=c("CountryCode", "Rank", "Country", "GDP")
Same data as above, Count the number countries whose name begins with United ?
grep("^United",countryNames), 3
Load the Gross Domestic Product data for the 190 ranked countries in this data set:
Load the educational data from this data set: from
Original data sources:
Business Case
- Match/merge the data based on the country shortcodes
- For the countries that have reported an “end of fiscal year”
- That data could be extracted from column X
- How many countries’ fiscal year ends in June?
getfile <- function(file){ fileDir <- setwd("D:/Education/R/Data/coursera/") wantedFile = file.path(fileDir,file,fsep="/") return(read.csv(wantedFile)) } gdp <- getfile("getdata_data_GDP.csv") edu <- getfile("getdata_data_EDSTATS_Country.csv") library(dplyr) merged <- merge(gdp, edu, by.x = "X", by.y = "CountryCode") names(merged) merged <- merged |> select("X","Gross.domestic.product.2012","Long.Name","Short.Name", "Special.Notes" ) merged <- merged |> arrange(desc(Special.Notes)) #Now we look for how many rows match "end: June" grep("end: June",merged$Special.Notes) [1] 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 #let's get the values grep("end: June",merged$Special.Notes, value = TRUE) [1] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [2] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [3] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [4] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [5] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [6] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [7] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: FY." [8] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY." [9] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY." [10] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY." [11] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY." [12] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY." [13] "Fiscal year end: June 30; reporting period for national accounts data: CY."
You can use the quantmod ( package to get historical stock prices for publicly traded companies on the NASDAQ and NYSE. Use the following code to download data on Amazon’s stock price and get the times the data was sampled.
amzn = getSymbols("AMZN",auto.assign=FALSE)
sampleTimes = index(amzn)
Date[1:4387], format: "2007-01-03" "2007-01-04" "2007-01-05" "2007-01-08" "2007-01-09"
timedf <- data.frame(sampleTimes)
timedf <- timedf |> mutate(year = year(sampleTimes)) |> mutate(day = weekdays(sampleTimes))
Business Case
- How many values were collected in 2012?
- How many values were collected on Mondays in 2012?
answerdf = which(timedf$year == 2012 ) length(answerdf) [1] 250 #____ OR 2012 yeardf <- subset(timedf, timedf$year == 2012) nrow(yeardf) [1] 250 #_____ 2012 & MONDAYS ONLY ans <- subset(timedf, timedf$year == 2012 & timedf$day == "Monday" ) nrow(ans) [1] 47